News Item: Kickstand/Olev Rapido on the podium at Mountain States Cup Chile Challenge
(Category: Olev Rapido News)
Posted by djordan
Sunday 05 June 2011 - 22:06:52

David Jordan takes 3rd in the Cat 2 40-49 group

Conditions were excellent at the Chile Challenge in Angel Fire on Saturday June 5. The weather was great, and the rain that had been threatening had blown over by the 2 PM start time for the Cat 2s. The course had plenty of climbing, including a difficult rock garden near the top. The downhill provided quite an upper-body workout with many switchbacks through the trees. Lap two was a slightly shorter version of the first lap, thankfully without the rock garden at the top. Then it was down again. It was a great race, and a great course.

This news item is from Olev Rapido Cycling Team
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